Talking Tidbit: Do you want to sound clearer on the telephone? Try 2 techniques: speak slightly more slowly, and emphasize the final sound of numbers, such as eighT, fiVe. These strategies help listeners, who may be in noisy settings such as traffic, to focus. If the other person is still unclear, spell the word using key words, such as B as in Bravo. The consonants T, D, B, S, F, Z, and V are most likely to be confused.The vowels of I and E may also be mixed up., so use key words for them as well; also use key words to spell your name. The US military alphabet has been extensively tested to make sure the key words are clear in noisy settings:
Business Speech Improvement offers online coaching and e-books in pronunciation, word-recall, communication for customer service and sales, leadership development and more!
Speaking more slowly and clearly may mean your message is communicated the first time you say it. So speaking slower and more clearly means communicating faster!